Redes Nature Park is located in the eastern central mountains of Asturias and encompasses the boroughs of Caso and Sobrescobio.
Declared a Nature Park in 1996 and recognized by UNESCO as a Biosphere Reserve in 2001, Its environmental riches are manifest in the multitude of landscapes and contrasts. Hills and vast fields of grassland, karst forms in caves and even glacial formations such as moraines and cirques can be seen here. Redes boasts a wooded area that occupies 40% of the territory.
Redes Nature Park its noteworthy peaks include Pico Torres, Retriñón, Peña’l Vientu, Cantu l’Osu, Tiatordos and Rapainal, this last being the highest peak in the park at 2,002 m. The action of its rivers has led to the emergence of open valleys with abundant meadowland and impressive limestone gorges, such as those of the Rivers Alba and Los Arrudos, leading destinations for families who love hiking. One of the most impressive places in the park is the high mountain meadow of Brañagallones, isolated by the mountain buttresses at 1,215 m, yet easily accessible from the village of Bezanes.
Beech woods are the dominant plant formation in the hills of Redes Nature Park, although these are also home to numerous sessile oak woods. Broken up by areas of grassland and scrub, its forests are the most outstanding of those found in the upper reaches of the River Nalón. The nutritious fruit of the beech, the beechnut, constitutes part of the diet of the prized wildlife in Redes Park.
The territory is also scattered with ash, yew, birch and holly. In the high mountains, common juniper thickets abound, with bearberry on the limestone crags and heather and bilberry in areas of siliceous subsoil.
All the characteristic species of the north of the peninsula can be found in Redes Nature Park. The brown bear, which prowls the surroundings of Peloño. The wolf abounds throughout Redes Park, with stable breeding areas. The largest populations of chamois in the region can also be found here, as well as deer which have adapted perfectly to reintroduction. The lavish capercaillie, Egyptian vultures, golden eagles and countless other birds, as well as reptiles and amphibians, benefit from the state of conservation of the park.
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