Nava enjoys one of the best parties in Asturias, the Festival of the Cider considered of National and International Touristic Interest and the Astur Market considered of Regional Interest.
The council of Nava is symbolically the heart of Asturias because of its situation at the centre-east of the region and because the area is well known for its Cider production of which the Asturians are very proud and the Festival of the Cider.
This is the main area where the land, towns and overall life revolve around the production of the most important drink and symbol of the Principality, natural Cider. In fact because of their love for and dedication to this traditional beverage, with low alcohol content, Nava were awarded with the “Exemplary Town of Asturias Award” in 1996. This is an award given by the “Princess of Asturias Foundation” and delivered in person by the King and Queen of Spain. The award shall be conferred upon a town, village, population centre, scenic area or group of people in the Principality of Asturias that have stood out in a notable way in “defending and conserving its natural or environmental setting, its historical, cultural or artistic heritage, or in the carrying out of outstanding communal works or other such displays of solidarity”.
In Nava you will also find the Museum of Asturian Cider, build to show and promote this popular beverage through an interactive experience.
The Gastronomy in Nava is based around the traditional Asturian fare, with stews, Asturian reared beef and fresh fish from the see and the rivers. It has special importance the quality shellfish from the area, cooked with rice or in many ways but always very tasty. And of course the real star of the area is Cider which is great for drinking but also for cooking with.
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Images supplied by Ayto de Nava and Mancomunidad de la Sidra.